Wednesday, February 21, 2024

BAC meeting at the Beaverton Library


You know I was thinking…..there were so many great ideas presented for consideration at our meeting and I was thinking about the Lions Clubs in all 3 towns who have so many people to volunteer but limit their initiatives to just a few major events per year because they require a lot of planning and coordination and as a new organization I think that is what we (BAC) should probably look at too if we want to be inclusive of and want it to encompass the entire municipality.HOWEVER having said that, there is no reason some other initiatives can’t also be implemented under the auspices of BAC if someone is willing to head up a committee and reaches out to the other members in BAC for help for their particular project which is what we are hoping to accomplish with the organization……making the connections between like minded individuals. And of course BAC could perhaps liaise with officials if required for these projects.
Example….I would like to work on small seasonal art installations made from palettes in all 3 towns similar to the “Streets Alive” initiative in Orillia and Washago and even Brechin. This is an initiative that utilizes recyclable materials that can be turned into art forms with minimal monetary investment just for paint and one’s time and creativity so when the time comes, I will be reaching out to other artists in all 3 urban centres to see if anyone would like to help with the installations in their town.
Other members talked about an initiative for youth and I think that would be great so that group of individuals can put their heads together to come up with a game plan and then approach members of BAC to see how they can help out.
Others talked about Popups or even selecting one location on one weekend through the summer that isn’t already being utilized for a function to feature anyone wishing to do demonstrations or display their special interest or area of expertise.
These are all great ideas and all are do-able with all the like minded individuals we have in and around Brock.
Let’s just keep the lines of communication open with one another and when you have an outline for your project, reach out. We all want to make our community a well rounded place to live for all ages and Arts and Culture is a perfect way to make that happen.
These are just my thoughts but I encourage you to share yours in the comments for further consideration/collaboration.

Lori Grant

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