Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Dedication of the Wishing Tower

And the rain held off! On behalf of Beaverton Special Events and Brock Arts and Culture, thank you to everyone who made this evening a success. It was wonderful to see a full audience supporting local initiatives, welcoming the Wishing Tower, our stunning new public art, and celebrating the artists in our community. Special thanks to our student volunteers who pitched in from start up to pack up and always with a smile. Thank you for all of the many volunteers who met and planned, wrestled tents, arranged for special displays and activities and managed the exhibits including our new Square account. Shout out to Underground Bake Shop,The Shortiss Cafe/Bar and Fisher's Independent for the yummy treats. nd our appreciation to Beverley Turf Farms and Vieveen's for helping us make the space coulourful and inviting. Finally, our thanks to Carlos Ferguson for capturing all the important moments with his lens. Great photos! Community needs community.
Christine Dukelow - Beaverton Special Event

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