Monday, May 20, 2024

Contact Photography Festival Rock & Talk

 A night out at Georgina Arts and Culture!!!

The Life and Times of Baron Wolman and his amazing career photographing the Rock Stars and the "Groupies" for Rolling Stone Magazine and Rags, another publication inspired by the very fashionable "Groupies" in the '60s was the subject matter of the "Talk and Rock Event".   Charlotte Hale, Curator of Georgina Arts and Culture, emceed the evening that was an unquestionable success with every chair in the gallery occupied.

Charlotte learned of Baron Wolman through his work with Rolling Stone during a time when she owned her gallery in downtown Toronto. When Baron wasn't on the road with the stars, he would call Haight Ashbury his home. One day, Charlotte decided to call him to ask if he had ever done a show in Toronto, Canada to which he replied "No”. She then asked if he would consider doing so at her Gallery and he stunned her with a resounding “yes” with the explanation that he would never say no because you never know what life will throw at you so you have to seize every opportunity that comes your way. Baron had amassed an amazing and extensive photo collection over the years. He had the honour and privilege to accompany the greatest musicians throughout their musical careers and loved everyone like family. He got close enough to be known by the rock and roll stars as the Chief Photographer of Rolling Stone magazine, and this granted him access to people and places no others could go. Baron’s photographs displayed at the Georgina Arts and Culture Gallery included Johnny Cash, Pink Floyd, Miles Davis, Jerry Lee Lewis, and more...All celebrities of the day. The musicians playing during the evening honoured these legends with a musical tribute, and after every classic tune, we discussed the photos of each one. An amazing event that is hopefully the beginning of a regular venue for Georgina Arts and Culture. The band members were local musicians, including Orillia special guest, and Juno Award Winner, Lance Armstrong on keyboards. Neil Chapman lead vocalist and guitarist extraordinaire from Georgina made a lifelong career with his passion for music.  Joe Agnello on bass is a well-known musician to locals having owned the Music Shop on High Street in Sutton.  Robbi Duffus was rocking out on the drums. I have to say, all in all, it was an exhilarating evening that leaves you wanting more and more of the same.

Congratulations to Charlotte, Christine, and the staff at #Georginaartsandculture for a fantastic evening.  The photos, music, pizza and non-alcoholic beer were enjoyed by all in attendance and we all look forward to your next event.

Lore Grant

Photo Credit: John Grant

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