Friday, May 3, 2024

Taking your hobby to the next level

 Workshop with Sheila Davis

We had such an informative free workshop with guest speaker Sheila Davis SCA OSA SFCA, an Artist extraordinaire who shared her 30 year journey with us at the meeting place in Beaverton. She addressed 15 Artists who were very interested to hear how she became such a successful entity in a most highly competitive field.

Sheila’s biography reads as follows:  

“Primarily self taught, Sheila has been a professional artist for over 23 years. Her interest lies in obscure areas of the environment as seen on the periphery of daily vision. Sheila works in oil, painting both Plein Air and in the studio, preferring large panels.
Using dynamic brushstrokes and saturated colour, she captures the friction and play of texture and temperature where surface planes meet, challenging the eye to look deeper, to see beyond the obvious, to become aware of those areas of nature necessary to existence, to see beauty in the mundane Her work has a strong organic feel to it, indicative of the natural landscape she paints.
Foremost she is known for the energy she pours into each work to capture the chaotic vibrancy of mother earth.
An elected member of the Society of Canadian Artists, the Ontario Society of Artists and a Senior Status member of the Federation of Canadian Artists, Sheila’s work has been featured in magazines, on television and is included in private and corporate collections around the world. She is represented by various galleries throughout Canada and participates in select exhibitions throughout the year.
Sheila is inspired by the friction and play of textures where surface planes meet. The tangled under growth competing for light and space. A play of forces, where colour and temperature meld or clash for dominance - a battle of the elements, Earth, Sky, Water and all they encompass. She believes an Artist interprets best what they know intimately…what surrounds them personally and they touch daily… what influences on a deep emotional level either conscious or unconscious. For her this is the untouched Ontario landscape… tangled, unfettered and unfinished…a work in progress, constantly growing and striving towards light, strength and freedom from constraint.   

Sheila found her niche and her works have become highly sought after by Galleries from East to Western Canada and she has clients as far north as Whitehorse.  An incredible feat for a small town Artist given the challenges of making your mark in the “real world” of Art. Anyone involved with the arts knows the competition is extensive and in fact can be overwhelming so don’t attempt to compete with what is currently available, it is incumbent upon you to find your own niche market and go from there. Believe in yourself and never give in. 

A few points Sheila suggested to Artists wishing to find their place in the “Art World” is:

1) Engage with “Groups” of like minded artists with whom you can start networking and listen and learn from their experiences.

2) Start your own website with your name as your Brand because when you participate in Art Shows people may remember your name through your art and they will want to look you up on facebook or Instagram to find out about you and to see more of what you do.  

3) As well, use your name in the email accounts across all platforms; you have being consistent so they can always find you.  Spend the minimal amount it costs to purchase the .ca the .com and .org email extensions with your brant (name) so whether they remember the exact email or not…..they will get to you.

4) When you start displaying your works at the local and surrounding Art Shows, people will go home and look you up on the internet.  Social Media has made it easy for folks to get their stuff “out there” so an online presence is a “must” to market your passion. The sooner the better especially after a show you have recently participated in.

5) Start interacting with all who contact you through your website and collect their emails so in future you are able to eblast your participation in events they might wish to attend.  “Market yourself” because no one else will do it with the same passion or tenacity that you have.

6) As well she discussed the importance of bookkeeping records; this is a must!  You have to keep track for both income tax revenues and expenses and get yourself a business credit card to keep things separate if you are opening a business.

There was so much information to absorb but much of it will be a laborious job for you doing walk-ins into galleries as Sheila did when she first came on to the scene and travelling around to the various shows but the rewards and sense of accomplishment is pure joy! 

Lore Grant

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