Friday, July 19, 2024

Blossom Trail Art and Talk


In 2016 a small group of environmentally concerned citizens came together known as "Friends of Beaverton's Park". They had a vision to secure the park as greenspace and enhanced it with a Blossom Trail that would environmentally and support the town's effort for revitalization and naturalization of spaces. 

The initial planting of native trees and shrubs occurred in 2017. Adhering to the master plan. subsequent plantings and maintenance continues.

The rewards of this project are visible as evidence by the increased sightings of wildlife, pollinators and pleasure expressed by people using the trail. 

This project is maintained and financed by volunteers. Donations are welcome to the Friends of the Beaverton Park. Facebook

Beaverton Blossom Trail.

July 18, 2024 Sarah Crowley led a walk and talk through the living canvas "the Blossom Trail" followed by a presentation at the Meeting Place in Beaverton, Brock, Ont.

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